Institute of Theater Studies,Freie Universität Berlin--柏林自由大学戏剧研究所



  The Institute of Theater Studies combines the disciplines of theater, dance, film, and music, providing a broad course offering and well-rounded educational experience.

  The discipline of theater studies embodies the best of theatrical aesthetics, theory, and history, framing these subjects within a broad theatrical discourse on the conditions for formation and impact. The program is predominantly focused on the theoretical, historical, and critical aspects of the diversity of form in theater, fostering interdisciplinary connections between different arts, media, and culture.

  The research-oriented Master’s program in Dance Studies combines comprehensive theoretical and historical subject studies, possessing a trans-disciplinary focus that draws from a fluid integration of theory and practice. Students in the program master the history and concept of dance as a way of knowing the world through the body. Additionally, students practice the analysis of choreographed movement, comparing its effects on understanding and reflection.

  The discipline of film studies deals with all genres and aspects of film, from its beginnings to its current integration into a broad spectrum of technologies and media. The discipline is approached as a basis for continuous critical analysis, from a mind understood to be both constructed from and occupied with moving pictures. The history, aesthetics, and theory of film, as those of other audiovisual media, are studied as conditions for formation and impact within diverse cultural and aesthetic systems.

  The discipline of music studies consists of the historical and theoretical engagement with music in its various cultural contexts. The program employs interdisciplinary methods in order to set developments, structures, and institutions in their aesthetic, political, societal, economic, historical, and cultural contexts for the purposes of analysis and interpretation.

  The Institute of Theater Studies is integral to an international and interdisciplinary research environment, partnered with various clusters of excellence, collaborative research centers, and graduate schools. The institute houses extensive archives within its theater history collections, providing abundant resources for students and scholars.