International Council of Graphic Design Associations(ico-D)--国际平面设计协会联合会




  While taking into account and celebrating institutional, cultural and social differences throughout the world, ico-D serves the worldwide community by:

  being an international non-partisan and non-governmental representative voice for design;

  representing the interests of professional designers in a responsible manner;

  defining and increasing awareness of professional standards and best practices governing design practice;

  advocating for design as an effective way of advancing the best interests of humanity and the environment;

  fostering recognition and respect of design by individuals and society at large (practitioners and clients included) as a valued and vital profession;

  facilitating knowledge management and exchange;

  facilitating cooperation amongst organisations of designers and allied institutions; and

  supporting the development of design education (practice, theory and research).

  The Council's vision, mission and core values are manifested through initiatives that promote and represent design as a medium for progressive change.